Important update from the Partners – May 2024
We last wrote to you in June 2021 during the pandemic. We thought it would be a good idea to write to you once more to update you on what is going on in General Practice and the wider NHS.
We last wrote to you in June 2021 during the pandemic. We thought it would be a good idea to write to you once more to update you on what is going on in General Practice and the wider NHS.
We are pleased to bring you our next health talk, specifically related to Gynaecological health and cancer awareness. Gynaecological health covers many topics and we will be covering areas such as an awareness of symptoms and predisposing factors to enable early diagnosis, proactive care and management including lifestyle. We would also like to raise awareness
Note: Surgery Closed for Protected Learning Time Please note we will be closed from 13:30 to 17:30 on the dates below for Protected Learning Time: Please call 111 if you need medical assistance between these times or 999 in a life-threatening emergency.
Register for the Text Reminder Service You can now register to receive information by text message on your phone regarding appointments and health care. To register for this service please complete our communication consent form. No identification is required for this service. If more than one person shares the use of the mobile phone number given