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Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Advanced Nurse Practitioners are nurses who are educated to a higher level allowing them to review, diagnose and treat so they can safely manage patients presenting with undifferentiated and undiagnosed conditions. They are able to prescribe medication that is appropriate to the presenting condition and if necessary, refer onto secondary care and organise diagnostic tests as required. They are able to see patients of all ages and often have backgrounds in acute care such as Emergency Departments. They work independently but also have close communication with the General Practitioners allowing them to discuss any cases with them as necessary.

Advanced Nurse Practitioners are not able to sign Fit Notes or see Pregnancy related issues. Locally at the Red House Group Advanced Nurse Practitioner do not see conditions related to Mental Health or Children under 2 years of age.

Our Nurse Practitioner is Mrs Kareshmah Oogarah

Our team also includes: a Paramedic, a Practice Nurse, a First Contact Physiotherapist, a Community Pharmacist, a Clinical Pharmacist, a Mental Health Worker, Social Prescriber, Health Care Assistant and GPs.